
Showing posts from July, 2017

Does Alternate Day Fasting Work for Weight Loss?

Weight Loss Clinic in Mumbai What Is Alternate Day Fasting? Much as the name implies, when you’re on an alternate day fasting diet, the idea is that you severely restrict the number of calories you eat on fasting days, while eating, however, you’d like during regular days. You don’t completely cut out food on fasting days, but it is severely restricted — kind of like you don’t eat carbs on certain days in the carb cycling diet. The recommended amount is about 25 percent of whatever your total calories on a diet would be. For example, if you’ve determined that 2,000 calories a day are the amount you require to lose weight, on a fasting day, you’d stick to 500 calories.   On non-fasting days, you’d eat the 2,000 calories. While there are many types of fasting, alternate day fasting, in particular, has become popular in the rage for losing weight fast. But researchers are weighing in, and the verdict isn’t too impressive. The small, year-long study publish...